Entry #1 Blog's

     I've never really read blogs and I don't understand why people read them. The only blogs I've ever read are all on current information such as news blogs. Nevertheless, this assignment has forced me out of my comfort zone and I've read some blogs I wouldn't've read otherwise. Earlier I was thinking of the Japanese government releasing radioactive water into the ocean in Fukushima and decided to look up blogs on the subject. What I came across was Interesting, although the blog had nothing to do with radioactive water it did walk me through someone's trips to research the revitalization of fisheries and coastal communities in Fukushima. I enjoyed reading this blog, it was short and taught me that I need to take a trip to Fukushima in the future. The locals look nice and the food looks immaculate. 

Moreover, the second blog I read was
more informative and served to give me a look at how other pet owners think. To sum up, most dog park have irresponsible dog owners and one must follow the five golden steps to becoming a responsible dog owner. Most of this information was common knowledge although parts I know most people don't do unfortunately like taking them to the vet yearly and keeping their weight in check.
Finally, this last blog really came out of no where and had me kind of confused. It has to do with a really popular online game known as only up which recently got really popular. Apparently the creator got really overwhelmed by the games success and decided to stop selling the game. I cant imagine the game was too difficult to make it was just a bunch of unity assets crammed together but they still managed 400k sales totaling to about 2.3million in revenue in three months. This upsetting realizing they could've done so much more with the game or they could've sold the title to some other studio. 


  1. Hello Edgar. When I heard that we were doing blogs for a English I was also very confused. I always viewed blogs as something that people do when they are older and have no one to talk to so instead they use it as a diary of some sort. I like how you chose to look into blogs in order to understand them. The blogs that you viewed seemed very random which is what seems so cool about them because you get to learn random information without having to search for it. -Viridiana Sandoval F.

  2. Hi Edgar, When it comes to blogs I feel the same as you. I didn't really know what to think but here we are getting it done. For me the only blog I ever read before this assignment was gameinformer. It's a good thing I think because we get to try something new so it's not to bad. Breaking form your comfort zone is something we should all try every once in awhile.

  3. Hello Edgar, I also don't normally read blogs and was intimidated by the large content that was in store for me. I also found it interesting that you were looking for an answer about the releasing of radioactive water into the ocean in Fukushima, but instead got information about the place and now you want to visit it.


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