Entry #2 Grinds My Gears

Switching lanes on a solid white line
 while having the wrong blinker on.
     Today I'm going to talk about things people do that really grind my gears. These are things that may be seen in a daily basis and can be considered dangerous. Were going to get started with the people driving recklessly on the road. I've been driving for 4 years now, ever since I was legally allowed to drive with a permit. I do not consider myself a reckless driver, sure I mess up some times but we all do and I get that. But some people have no due regard for their safety let alone others safety. Just this morning coming back from work I could've gotten in a fairly bad accident thankfully I had time to avoid it (I would upload a video but they don't play when I upload them here unfortunately). Then there's people that drive on the road like its GTA V swearing from lane to lane just to get to their destination one minute faster than the rest of us just like this individual. They really have to start giving these people really big tickets or even giving them charges for endangering the lives of the general public.

Big boy
Next up, irresponsible pet owners; they come in different forms. For example, people that have there dogs off their leashes when they're supposed to be leashed. I most commonly see this at my local park whenever I walk my dog. I end up being too worried that our dogs would fight so I end up having to avoid the whole park and walk somewhere else. Then there's people who don't pick up there dog's turds. This becomes worse when its in a walking path, nobody wants to step in them please pick them up. Next is people who forget to or overfeed their pets. Of course people know starving an animal is bad but not as many people know that overfeeding their pet is also bad for their health and shouldn't be done. There's people online that like overfeeding there pets just for online clout. These people are horrible and the fact that others support them is sad. Then there's the worst of the worst people who leave there pets in there vehicles. This is a horrible thing to do especially here where I live in Phoenix where it reaches up to 120F on the summer months. People like this should have their pets removed from them and shouldn't be allowed to take care of anything shy of a plant. 

Finally, people that don't know public restroom etiquette. Most public restrooms I've been in have all been vandalized in some form. So much so that I've started to accept it, most times I go to a public restroom I expect it to look like this. This gets me upset especially knowing that every time I go into one of these restrooms its most certainly an emergency. Then there's the one ply toilet paper, whoever invented that is supervillain level evil. Whenever you first see that one ply you're happy that there is toilet paper but then the disappointment sets when you feel the texture. In conclusion, don't be a general nuisance drive safe and take care of your pets. 


  1. I love your list of things that grind your gears. This a fun topic so I would like to add a few of my own:
    People who don't use their turn signals.
    People who don't acknowledge you when you hold the door open for them.
    Toxic gamers that call out under-preforming players in team chat.
    When you try eating a candy bar in AZ and your hands are suddenly covered in chocolate.
    Related, people who live in AZ but don't believe in climate change
    How long it takes stuff to taste normal after brushing my teeth
    People who get needlessly upset at others for having "basic" tastes
    The Duolingo app when it fails me for misspelling a word (I can barely spell in english but I'm supposed to spell flawlessly in a second language?)

  2. Hello Edgar when reading your blog it got me angry as well, but this was a fun topic for me to read about. I personally don't understand why people want to vandalized bathrooms or how they even have the time. The school stalls are normally covered with markings and it pains me when the poor Janitor or cleaning official has to clean it.


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