Entry #2 Grinds My Gears
Switching lanes on a solid white line while having the wrong blinker on. Today I'm going to talk about things people do that really grind my gears. These are things that may be seen in a daily basis and can be considered dangerous. Were going to get started with the people driving recklessly on the road. I've been driving for 4 years now, ever since I was legally allowed to drive with a permit. I do not consider myself a reckless driver, sure I mess up some times but we all do and I get that. But some people have no due regard for their safety let alone others safety. Just this morning coming back from work I could've gotten in a fairly bad accident thankfully I had time to avoid it (I would upload a video but they don't play when I upload them here unfortunately). Then there's people that drive on the road like its GTA V swearing from lane to lane just to get to their destination one minute faster than the rest of us just like this individual ....